Use Freefind to search and find UK businesses. We offer free business advertising and low cost affordable options to advertise your business including our FREE business directory listing plus our low cost paid advertising options that provide your listing with higher prominence and more business details to show to prospective customers.
CityVoter states that having a listing on a CityVoter powered contests (paid service) increases SEO If you are thinking of holding a classified ads newspapers contest or posting a deal on the site, check out the costs, see how many users are in your area, and if competitors are on the site.
The site has built and manages specialized web crawling, curation and translation technology to aggregate tens of millions of pieces of latin culture local information such as latin restaurants, spanish speaking businesses and bilingual job opportunities ( ).
Listings are free and they include information like names, numbers, and addresses, but there is much more to it. A complete network is set behind the scenes, enabling the Scoop Network to power business directories for Scoot, Touch Local, The Independent, The Sun, and The Mirror.
Lacartes - Lacartes is not only a UK business directory to submit your listing for free but also brings together tools for publishing, payment and communication in a single online platform to give you everything you need to establish an online business, anywhere.
The UK business listings directory was setup in 2002 to provide a simple way to search and to advertise businesses and services across the UK. set about making our business directory easier to use than other directories for both people searching for a service and for businesses wanting to advertise their services.
As we mentioned before some of them actually get a serious amount of traffic as stand-alone entities, however these days with all the recent Google changes it is now accepted by most online marketing companies that an actual physical presence is much more important than it used to be.
ShowMeLocal gets a decent amount of traffic to its business directory and site has over 19 million business listings, 678,000 claimed listings, and over 307,000 user reviews ( ). It's especially great for businesses with more global markets, as they host listings for the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia.
After registering you will have to complete your listing just like any other directories but Free Index have this system of ranking business profiles according to the completeness of information provided that includes your name, number, address, description, photos, business opening hours, special offers and many more.
YaSabe is a Hispanic oriented community business directory for users to find businesses, jobs, and other local information. is an online directory of businesses, places, and individuals from all over the UK. And it doesn't just show the basic information. Some business directories might ask you to link back to them in exchange, which is generally known as a reciprocal link.
Seeing as though that they are a local search marketing company, you can request information for additional local search and SEO services from them. The Trade Finder is one of the longest established online business directories, we have been helping businesses grow by expanding their presence online.
Make sure you provide url where you have pasted their websites code in the registration field to complete the process and get your FREE listing. Search optimization is an essential strategy for small businesses trying to attract attention, drive website traffic, and grow their business.